Pole Guards
Like a Mobile Guard, each Pole Guard is also a self-contained video surveillance system. It is a versatile platform upon which a full range of surveillance equipment can be installed to meet your particular requirements.
A Pole Guard’s audio system allows our monitoring center to issue verbal warnings through a high-powered PA system. In addition, flashing red lights and a deafening siren can be activated to drive away the suspects and draw attention to the site. Pre-established emergency protocol can be executed such as notifying police and client personnel.
The surroundings of a Pole Guard are constantly monitored with video on-site and off-site, and records of the incidents can be archived off-site for an extended duration. All recordings are done with Digital Watermark Authentication and recorded media can be prepared in compliance with Federal Rules of Evidence 1001(3) and 1001(4) for investigation and prosecution.
A Pole Guard EX has enhanced capability to support Satellite Guards and extra tall camera mounting height for more demanding applications. A Mini Pole Guard has the benefits of a very small footprint and great mobility, perfect for congested sites or where frequent relocation is necessary.
Each Pole Guard is equipped with a JS-Extended Power System™; the industry’s most advanced power management system. Most other mobile surveillance systems do not include any back-up power; the ones that do, just add an off-the-shelf UPS (uninterruptible power supply), which is intended for orderly shutdown of equipment and cannot support extended power interruption. This conventional approach is grossly inadequate for reliable security surveillance needs, as power can be accidentally or intentionally cut, and the surveillance system rendered useless. The JS-Extended Power is a proprietary system designed and built by Jatagan. It includes a comprehensive power management scheme and an extended duration back-up power system with automated notification of power system status. The modular design of JS-Extended Power allows flexible configurations from many hours to a number of DAYS of continuous operation in the event of line power failure!